probable: adj.像有的,像确实的;很可能的,或然的,大概的;有希望的。 ★ probable 所指的可能性比 possible 或 likely 所指的要大一些。 Successs is possible but hardly probable. 成功是可能的,但不一定。n.很可能被选中[获胜]的人;很可能的事[情况]。 It is probable that... 也许是,恐怕是
The results showed that the line of 36 05 ' n is a probable line of the herbaceous plant flora in gansu 从种数与纬度的关系图中得出,北纬36 05 '一线为甘肃草本植物区系中的一条可能的分界线。
I will probably drop my defensive line slightly too , as i know they got fast strikers just by looking at their probable line up 同样如果观察他们的首发阵容发现他们有速度快的前锋,那么我可能会稍微的调低些我的后防线。